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Are You ready to Grow?


Please Review Details and pricing before Meeting


Advertising Services

Business Consulting

   Social Media Growth Service

  1. 3 Days of Social media Advertising for $25

  2. 1 week of Advertising for $40

  3. 1 Month of Advertising for $80 






Advertising FAQ:


Q: How many Days & Posts do you offer?

A: All Days of posting are on Business Days Only. Your post will be advertised 1 time a day on All social media pages & groups that best fits your Brand.​


Q: How will you promote My products & services?

A: We fluently Promote what you request to have advertised on Our Car magnets (Road advertisement) + All our Social media pages (Face Book, Instagram & Twitter) and Groups we are apart of (Within that groups guidelines)


Q: What Can I request to have advertised?


  1. Non- Profit Organization post (Example: Go Fund Me, Community Drives, Programs ETC.)

  2. Business pages & Groups to promote Traffic to follow you (Growing Followers & Friends)

  3. Events

  4. Sales

  5. Websites

  6. Pictures & Descriptions of products/ services

  7. Open request that's not listed (all acceptions)

(By Flyers, Videos & Web Links Submission Only). We Meet, You Submit, We promote.


Q: What Can I request to have advertised?


  1. Business post promoting Traffic to follow you

  2. Events

  3. Sales

  4. Pictures & Descriptions of products/ services

  5. Open request not listed are accepted

By Flyer & Video Submission Only


Q: What If I have No material Ready & Made to promote?

A: PMP is here for You, We would love to present Your Vision in an inspired way to your Audience (By Flyers, Videos & Car magnets).  We Meet, We Create, You Review, We promote.​


Q: What are the Names of your Social Media Pages & How do you advertise by Car magnet?


  1. PMP Destiny Carter (FB Personal Page for business, All request Accepted & IM Questions Answered)

  2. Power Moves Ad (FB Personal Page for business, All request Accepted & IM Questions Answered)

  3. Power Moves Production LLC (@ FB)

  4. Power Moves Team1 (@ Instagram)

  5. Power_Moves_Production (@ FB, Instagram & Twitter)

  6. Car Magnets: Your Brand will be seen on Vechiacls that Travel daily and make Frequent stops allowing communities to learn about your products & services


Traffic (Followers/Friends) Growth Advice

  1. 3 hour Meeting Focused on Only 1 Social Media growth area  for $60

  2. 5 hour Meeting Focused on more than 1 Social Media growth area  for $100

  3. Submit 1 Question for $20 (Inboxed Service Only)






Business Consulting FAQ:


Q: Do I have to use all the hours of Meeting time at once?

A: No, It's your paid time. Break up your time within scheduled days as you see fit. (Please Note additional Fees are billed for time ran over $15 within each Additional 30 mins).


Q: What should I expect from the "Hour Meeting's"?

A: You will be provided with two pieces of material (30 day PMP Action plan Calendar & Listed Action steps). Then you will Schedule your timed meetings, to focus on your questions and experiences of the coaching materials you have received. 


Q: What is the "PMP Action plan Calendar"?

A: It provides 30 Calendar days of Actions in suggestions of how to Gain followers/ friends, engage with audience (Find your connection to their Lives) and Turn your audience into Customers. Along with the Calendar, a list will be provided with Action steps to provide more details in the step by step process of the Action Calendars Daily suggests. 


Q: What should I expect from " Submit 1 Question"?

A: Give thought about 1 social media issue you are having, Submit your details of that issue and a form of 1 Question. We will review your details + your 1 question and then send you a response providing you the best solution to your problem and a few action suggests if needed for your problem.

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